Fundamental Wealth

All Fundamental wealth begins by paying yourself first:

 If you want to be Dead Broke : 
Don't "pay yourself first" anything.

 If you want to be Poor: 
Spend everything you make, no matter how much money You make.

 If you want to be in the Middle Class: 
"Pay yourself firs "5 to 10% of your gross income.

 If you want to be Rich:
 "Pay yourself first" 15 to 20% of your gross income.

 If you want to be Super Rich Super fast: 
"Pay yourself first" at least 20% of your gross income.

Let's try out this theories. I Elle, hereby promise myself that starting this week, I will work at least one hour a day for myself. I deserve it! Therefore, I promise that I will start paying myself first, 15% of my gross income no later than Next Month..

          Signed by Elle

