Fundamental Wealth

All Fundamental wealth begins by paying yourself first:

 If you want to be Dead Broke : 
Don't "pay yourself first" anything.

 If you want to be Poor: 
Spend everything you make, no matter how much money You make.

 If you want to be in the Middle Class: 
"Pay yourself firs "5 to 10% of your gross income.

 If you want to be Rich:
 "Pay yourself first" 15 to 20% of your gross income.

 If you want to be Super Rich Super fast: 
"Pay yourself first" at least 20% of your gross income.

Let's try out this theories. I Elle, hereby promise myself that starting this week, I will work at least one hour a day for myself. I deserve it! Therefore, I promise that I will start paying myself first, 15% of my gross income no later than Next Month..

          Signed by Elle

Make Things Happen

There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened. To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen..
-James Lovell, Astronaut-

mode : I have a great admiration for those who started Online Business, started A blog without fail to update and generate incomr. Started any forms of business using their skills to manipulate the Internet @ Computer Facebook Founder...

Angan Angan to become ONE of Them...aiks..Angan ANgan saja Ke...Oh no GO and MAKE Things Happen Elle..Entrepreneur, Inventor..whateva u called them..they are PURE GENIUS!!!!

*Hello Thomas Edison GHOST* share us your Secrets!!!
